School Improvement
School Improvement
However good our school is, we as Governors want it to be even better. That’s why we work with staff every year to produce a school improvement plan.
Our school improvement plan outlines the school’s priorities for improvement and how we intend to go about improving things. In our meetings and through our visits to the school, we as Governors monitor the progress the school is making in bringing about the improvements we would like to see.
This table shows our priority for improvement for last academic year (Sept 22 to July 23) and what we did to improve things.
To develop the school curriculum in line with Curriculum For Wales |
The school’s vision was reviewed and refreshed so that all understand the school’s mission statement and how its vision for the curriculum fits with this. The school is systematically mapping its curriculum using a tool that helps ensure that all teachers are sure what is to be taught when. They now better understand what the ‘statements of what matter’ and 'descriptions of learning’ mean for pupils at St Alban’s. Governors recognise that this needs to become more developed as staff build their understanding and experience in realising the curriculum for Wales, CfW. Staff roles in leading areas of learning and experience, AoLEs, will be a priority in our next school improvement plan. Staff have also had training with regards to ensure that skills evident in younger pupils are developed further as they progress through the school. We continued to look at how well children learn to read at our school. Governors now receive data in a way that makes it easier to evaluate progress. Governors can see significant improvement but recognise that some pupils still needing to get better at reading. The teaching of phonics (sounds and letters) will be a priority in our next school improvement plan. Staff also received training on the new code for relationships and sexuality education, RSE. Governors were pleased that RE inspectors confirmed that the school is successfully meeting all Archdiocesan and Welsh Government requirements for RSE. |
To strengthen assessment procedures and assessment for learning |
The school completes a baseline assessment for all Reception pupils and for all pupils arriving during the school year, within six weeks of their arrival. This helps teachers know what each pupil needs to learn and allows staff and Governors to track progress. The school uses Welsh Government produced personalised assessments in numeracy and reading to help teachers see what each child needs to learn next. They also allow Governors to track the progress of classes and individuals. The school ensures that pupil progress meetings are held to bring clarity to how well pupils are doing. Governors recognise that further work is needed in ensuring assessment and feedback is used consistently across the curriculum and across the school to further raise standards in teaching and learning. This will be a priority in our next school improvement plan. |
To ensure the successful implementation of the Additional learning Needs, ALN, Act. |
The school coordinator for additional learning needs (ALNCo) and the link governor for ALN attended all relevant training and then ensured that training improved things at the school. They also ensured that through regular, thorough reporting, Governors were able to track the improvements being made for ALN pupils. All teachers have been provided with training/support with the improvements needed, including how to work with parents and carers to create purposeful and effective individual development plans, IDPs. Termly meetings are in place in which the ALNCo works with teachers and learning support assistants, LSAs, to review progress and make the support provided even better. Parents can now find information about ALN and the changes made on the school website and from leaflets available at the school. |
For the current academic year (Sept 23 to July 24) we have ensured that priorities more thoroughly relate to evaluation and that Governors will make visits to monitor at first hand the progress made. The table below show the priorities for improvement that we have set for our school.
Area One: Leadership |
1a: To improve the effectiveness of the Governing Body |
1b: To ensure that all senior leaders play a full role in robust self-evaluation and school improvement processes |
1c: To ensure consistency and understanding with regard to the role of leading an area of learning and experience so that outcomes feed effectively into self-evaluation and school improvement processes. |
1d: To ensure that pupil voice contributes to improving our school. |
Area Two: Curriculum, Teaching and Learning |
2a: To raise standards in phonics |
2b: To encourage pupil independence and provide challenge in all areas, including in the development of the ‘mission task pedagogy’. |
2c: To Develop opportunities for extending writing across the curriculum throughout the school |
2d: To continue to strengthen assessment procedures and assessment for learning |
2e: Review existing outdoor provision, research best practice and begin to plan improvement. |
Area Three: Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion |
3a: To improve engagement with parents, carers and families of learners with ALN and those that require extra support. |
3b: To engage parents further in supporting their children’s wellbeing and learning |
We believe that our new school improvement plan is ambitious and evidence of our determination to ensure that St Alban’s Catholic Primary School is a place of continuous improvement.